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Benford, M. Sue, Peter Moscow, Edgar Mitchell and Peter Marcer. QuantaGraphy®: Images from the Quantum Hologram. Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS'01), Liège, Belgium, August 13-18, 2001.  Click here to read this presentation.  
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Marino J. and Benford M.S.  Evidence for the Skewing of the C-14 Dating of the Shroud of Turin Due to Repairs.  Presented at Sindone 2000 Worldwide Congress, Orvieto, Italy, August 28, 2000.  Click here to read this paper (contains some, but not all, of the illustrations.  Reprinted in the British Society for the Turin Shroud Newsletter, No. 54 (November 2001), pp. 18-27. Click here to see significant findings from two scientists from the Shroud of Turin Research Project that support this theory.
"Mysteries of the Mind" radio program.  Benford and Marino appeared on this USA nationally-syndicated program hosted by Alex Merklinger on 1 and 6 February and 12 April 2001 and 15 November 2002 discussing the Shroud of Turin and related research. 
Science News Update.  Interview with M. Sue Benford, Ph.D., R.N.  Energy, VOL. XV!, NO. 1, Winter 2001, pg. 5.  Click here to read this interview.  
Marino Joseph. The Disciples on the Road to Turin. Presented at the First International Holy Shroud Guild Seminar, Esopus, New York, August 25, 1996.  Click here to read this paper.
M. Sue Benford and Joseph G. Marino at a dinner hosted by the organizers of the Sindone 2000 Worldwide Congress in Orvieto, Italy, where they presented a paper on the Shroud of Turin in August 2000
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Waking Up in America, with Dr. Valerie Kirkgaard (Scottsdale, Mesa, Phoenix) 9/7 and 9/18/02 *KXAM radio/Internet (www.heavenincorporated.com).  Benford and Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin.
Jeff Rense radio/Internet program (www.rense.com) 8/30/02.  Benford and Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin.
Encounters with the Unexplained.  PAX-TV.  6/7/02.  Benford was featured on the episode regarding Spontaneous Human Combustion.
Benford MS. Detecting the Soul: Controlled Studies Detect High-Energy Fluctuations During Alternative Healing Therapies. Presented at the International Conference on Religion and Science, Columbus, Ohio, May 3, 1999.
Art Bell radio/Internet program (hosted by Barbara Simpson). 9/8/02.  Benford and Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin and Benford discussed Spontaneous Human Combustion.  This tape was designated a "hot seller" on the back cover of Art Bell's "After Dark" Newsletter 10/02.
CDR network radio; 7 station network covering southern and central Ohio with Chad Bresson, 9/10/02.  Benford and Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin.
WKY radio 8/10/00 (Louisville, Kentucky), hosted by Dr. Peter Moscow.  Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin.
BBC TV Documentary "Double Exposure;" also called "Leonardo's Shroud?" in the USA--broadcast on various cable channels in 1992.  Marino was interviewed in this Shroud documentary. 
KFUO radio 11/18/88 (St. Louis, Missouri).  Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin.

KMOX 1120 AM radio's syndicated "World of Religion" 2/23/86 (St. Louis, Missouri).  Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin.

KMOX 1120 AM radio, special segment, Good Friday, 1986 (St. Louis, Missouri).  Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin.

KMOX 1120 AM radio's "At Your Service" 10/25/88 (St. Louis, Missouri).  Marino discussed the Shroud of Turin.
"Christian Connection.  KNLC TV 1/6/86 (St. Louis, Missouri).  Marino discussed the Shroud and presented a slide lecture presentation.
Mind, Body, Spirit Internet radio program 12/2/02. Interview with Benford about her book. Host:  Ron Hawk. 
Jordan Rich Show (www.jordanrich.com) WBZ Radio Boston 12/7/02. Interview with Benford and Marino about Benford's new book and the Shroud.
"Lights On" with Nancy Lee 1/4/03.  Interview with Benford and Marino about Benford's new book and the Shroud of Turin.
"Conscious Talk" with Rob Spears and Brenda Michaels. KKNW 1150 AM Seattle 2/23/02. Interview with Benford and Marino about Benford's book and the Shroud.  
"After Midnight" with Rick Barber. 850 KOA Denver (www.850koa.com) . 1/29/03.  Benford and Marino discussed Benford's book and the Shroud. 
Mike Murphy Show.  KCMO 710 AM (Kansas City, Missouri).  Benford discussed her book and the Shroud of Turin.
KXNA 104.9 X Fayetteville, AR. Frank Whalen, host.  3/14/03.  Benford and Marino discussed Benford's book and the Shroud of Turin.
Cybercity Radio Show with Jack Landman.  KTSA 550 AM, San Antonio, 4/13/03.  Interview with Benford and Marino about Benford's book and the Shroud.  
Benford MS and Marino, J.  New Historical Evidence Explaining the "Invisible Patch"
in the 1988 C-14 Sample Area of the Turin Shroud.  Presented at the 3rd International Dallas Shroud Conference, September 8-11, 2005.
"Unwrapping the Shroud:  New Evidence," first broadcast 22 December 2008.  Benford and Marino's theory was presented. Accessible at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro_A7bvKXMQ&list=PL40c7AugGz_oh-M4p4lbm6bp-_QC6EaCO.
WJR radio (Detroit, Michigan).  12/21/11.  Frank Beckmann show.  Marino discussed the Shroud and his new book "Wrapped Up in the Shroud:  Chronicle of a Passion. 
X-Zone with Rob McConnell.  2/1/18.  Marino discussed the Shroud.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_acjC_8KXo
Fate Magazine Radio with Todd Bates.  April 6, 2018.  Marino was interviewed about the Shroud.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoTg866Wgv8
Marino, Joseph.  Marino presented two papers at the International Shroud of Turin conference in Pasco Washington in July 2017. One was titled “Politics of the Shroud C-14 Dating." Paper is accessible at:  https://www.academia.edu/35676836/Politics_of_the_Shroud_C-14_Dating_N25
Video accessible at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al6F8jskkXM.
  The second paper was titled "Evidence for the Invisible Reweave." 
Paper is accessible at:  https://www.academia.edu/35676812/Evidence_for_the_Invisible_Reweave_N26. Video accessible at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu4jibxLD4E.
Skeptics and Seekers Podcast.  Marino had debate with English Shroud skeptic Hugh Farey.  April 27, 2019.  https://anchor.fm/skeptics-and-seekers/episodes/Supplemental%E2%80%93Shroud-Wars-Round-4%E2%80%93Joe-Marino-vs%E2%80%93Hugh-Farey-e3s6q1
NDE Radio.  Interview with Marino.  Part 1:  7/8/19:  https://www.talkzone.com/episodes/204/NDE070819.html  Host:  Lee Witting.
NDE Radio. Interview with Marino. Part 2: 7/15/19:  https://www.talkzone.com/episodes/204/NDE071519.html  Host: Lee Witting.
Marino, Joseph.  Marino presented three papers at the Science, Theology and the Turin Shroud International Conference in Ancaster, Ontario, CANADA on August 14-17 2019, including a Keynote address.  That paper was "The Invisible Reweave and Other Challenges to the Turin Shroud's C-14 Medieval Dating:  A Review."  This is an updated version of the "Evidence for the Invisible Reweave" paper presented in Pasco, Washington in 2017.  
Video for part I:
Video for  part II:
https://www.academia.edu/40272184/The_Invisible_Reweave_and_Other_ Challenges _to_the_Turin_Shrouds_C-14_Medieval_Dating_A_Review.
https://www.academia.edu/40271611/_Powerpoint_for_The_Invisible_Reweave_ and _Other_Challenges_to_the_Turin_Shrouds_C-14_Medieval_Dating_a_ Review.  
The PowerPoint slides are numbered at the lower right of each slide and correspond to the slide number listed in the text.  See further below for the other two papers, which had Benford listed as a posthumous author.

Marino, Joseph G. and M. Sue Benford.  Presented at Science, Theology and the Turin Shroud International Conference in Ancaster, Ontario, CANADA on August 14-17 2019.  Part 1 was:  "3D Information in the Fields of Bioenergetics and Quantum Theory."  
https://www.academia.edu/40320532/3D_Information_in_the_Fields_of_ Bioenergetics_and_Quantum_Theory.
https://www.academia.edu/40320089/_PowerPoint_for_3D_information_in_ the_Fields_of_Bioenergetics_and_Quantum_Theory.
Part 2 was:  "Empirical Findings Suggesting Comparability Among the Turin Shroud, QuantaGraphy, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging."  
https://www.academia.edu/40320563/Empirical_Findings_Suggesting_ Comparability_Among_the_Turin_Shroud_TS_QuantaGraphy_trademarked_and _Magnetic_Resonance_Imaging_MRI_.
https://www.academia.edu/40320089/_PowerPoint_for_3D_information_in_the_ Fields_of_Bioenergetics_and_Quantum_Theory.
The PowerPoint slides are numbered at the lower right of each slide and correspond to the slide number listed in the text. 
Vocal Point with Jerry Newcombe.  10/29/19.  Marino was interviewed about the Shroud.  https://www.jerrynewcombe.com/vocal-point-joe-marino/
On the Odd.  Interview with Marino, 9/4/19: https://ontheodd.com/wrapped-up-in-the-shroud/  Host:  Mark.
Good Shepherd Catholic Radio. 3 part interview by Tony Cherniawski of Marino, October 10, 2019. https://soundcloud.com/good-shepherd-catholic-radio/faith-matters-mystery-of-the-shroud-joseph-marino-interview-part-1-191010https://soundcloud.com/good-shepherd-catholic-radio/faith-matters-mystery-of-the-shroud-joseph-marino-interview-part-2-191010https://soundcloud.com/good-shepherd-catholic-radio/faith-matters-mystery-of-the-shroud-joseph-marino-interview-part-3-191010
Jim Price Live: "Mystery of the Shroud of Turin - Could This Be The Burial Cloth Of Jesus?"  April 18, 2021.  Marino was interviewed about the Shroud.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-793wwbYus. 
Dyer Conversations.  YouTube Zoom presentation.  Interview of Marino by apologist Billy Dyer, published on May 25, 2021.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gmrpGig0i4&t=3568s.
Catholic Challenge.  12/29/21.  "FALSE CARBON DATING OF THE SHROUD OF TURIN."  Marino was interviewed by Luke Lancaster.
La Cruz Secreta.  "The Faces of the Holy Shroud: Interview with Joe Marino. Español disponible en el canal." January 31, 2022.  Spanish version:  https://youtu.be/nQOvrVoSsNoç.
Jim Price Live:  "The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin."  Interview of Marino.  February 1, 2022.
SJ Thomason.  Interview with Marino.  2/23/22.  "Shroud of Turin:  Fact or Fiction?"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CNNp1RmoUw.
SJ Thomason.  Interview with Marino.  2/27/22.  "Comedy of ERRORS: 1988 C14 Dating of the Shroud of Turin with Joe Marino!"

Benford and Marino presented two papers at the “Shroud of Turin: Perspectives on a Multi-Faceted Enigma International Conference in Columbus, Ohio in August 2008.  “Invisible Mending and the Turin Shroud: Historical and Scientific Evidence.
Link to MP3 Audio File: www.shrouduniversity.com/osucon08/audio/marino-benford.mp3.
Link to YouTube Video: "Invisible Mending and the Turin Shroud: Historical and Scientific Evidence."
Second paper:
Surface Chemical Analysis of the Shroud of Turin Identifies Discrepancies in Radiocarbon Dating Region.”
Link to MP3 Audio File: Continued In Audio File of Previous Paper Above.
Link to YouTube Video: "Surface Chemical Analysis of the Shroud of Turin Identifies Discrepancies in Radiocarbon Dating Region."

​La Cruz Secreta. “Conversing with Joe Marino.” April 6, 2022. Spanish 
Version:  https://youtu.be/nQOvrVoSsNo.

Guy Powell.  2/10/22. “Getting to Know Joe Marino.”  https://open.spotify.com/show/4MVngekkyTDioyChEosDE5?si=8_rCNlMWTDecHJQdMS9E7Q&nd=1.
Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.  5/2/22.  Marino was interviewed about the Shroud.
The Weird Christian Podcast.  5/27/22.  Marino was interviewed on the Shroud.  https://anchor.fm/theweirdchristianpodcast/episodes/65--Joe-Marino---Is-the-Shroud-of-Turin-the-burial-cloth-of-Jesus-Christ-e1itjh5
California Haunts Radio.  5/26/22.  Marino was interviewed on the Shroud.  https://rss.com/podcasts/californiahauntsradio/500681/.
Gracious Guest.  6/17/22.  "How Old is the Shroud???"  Interview of Marino.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdBarYfvfpE