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      Under normal circumstances, the first stage of cellular decomposition begins with the internal increase in activity of bacteria, protozoa and nematodes present in the organism before death.  Intestinal E.coli, and other bacteria, will start multiplying and, thus, initiates the cycle of decomposition.  The gas produced by these bacteria creates a strong odor, which attracts the secondary organisms necessary to continue the decay process (Smith, 1986).  Without an effective metabolic "jump start" from the bacteria, the decomposition cycle may fail to materialize on schedule, thus significantly confound the rate of organismal decay.
          But how is the failure of a body to decompose explained by the process of radiogenic metabolism and gamma radiation?  Studies demonstrate that under stressful situations, organisms emit more intensive radiation than during "homeostasis," defined as a steady-state or dynamic equilibrium between the organism and its environment.  Any irreversible damage to the biological structure or function of living cells brings about an increase of the emission that usually reaches the maximum in the form of a "light shout."  As noted by biophysicist Dr. Janusz Slawinski, "an important finding is that all dying cell populations and organisms emit a radiation ten to 1,000 times stronger than their stationary emission during homeostasis.  That phenomenon of degradation or necrotic radiation. . . called a 'light shout', is universal and independent of the cause of death. Its intensity and time course reflect the rate of dying."  (Slawinski, 1987) 
Is it possible that spiritually-evolved, or enlightened, individuals not only have more  efficient cellular scintillators that generate more light than heat, but that they also have expanded capacities to store the high-energy gamma radiation effecting a larger "light shout" upon death? According to Popp and coworkers, DNA may indeed "store" virtual photons.  "In certain critical events of the cell's life, such as cell division or cell death, virtual photons would be transformed into real photons.  A long, spiral-shaped DNA macromolecule might also act as an efficient antenna, receiving or emitting electromagnetic radiation within a very broad spectral range." (Slawinski, 1987)
    If this is the case, then high-energy gamma rays may be, in part, emitted during the cellular death process.  In turn, irradiation by gamma rays would disrupt the DNA of the E.coli and other bacteria, parasites, mold and fungus in and on the body, thus, effectively interrupting the crucial first step in the decomposition process.  In fact, it is this very same low-dose gamma irradiation that has proven to be an effective method in the meat processing industry for removing harmful bacteria and extending the shelf-life of meat products (Blumenthal, 1990).
    It seems especially significant that life arises as a consequence of the energy produced during the cosmic process of symmetry restoration, regardless if that symmetric point is deemed the "zero-point field" or "source" or the "Almighty Creator."  Matter and antimatter, both propelled materials from the symmetry are, individually, chaotic and incomplete.  The annihilation event returns these half-energies to their full potential and to a nonchaotic, or peaceful, state of total light. It is this state which we know of as "eternal" and in which space-time loses all definition.  Indeed, we are emergent products of symmetry restoration both in terms of religious and scientific definition.
          And what of the larger consequence of proving the existence of an energetic soul made of light?  While this knowledge may answer the age old questions of "Who am I?" and "Is there existence beyond this lifetime?" we are forced to ponder new queries such as: does the soul deviate among various types of living organisms, perhaps corresponding with evolutionary development?  How does the soul interact with the body while the physical organism is living and at the time of physical death?  Is it possible that this same energy source is responsible for the information exchange between two distant people or organisms or departed souls? 
    Are we, then, on the verge of demonstrating the unimaginable -- humankind's destiny as fledgling "gods"?  Like fetuses developing within the mother's womb, our spiritual bodies journey the same on-going process until, when matured as fully developed Christs, or highly efficient crystals, the two opposites become one and return to its Creator, not as an inferior creation, but as an equal in the light of God.  Was this, perhaps, the meaning behind Jesus' teachings when he proclaimed, "Is it not written in your Law 'I have said you are gods?'" (John 10:34)

Alvino G. The Human Energy Field in Relation to Science, Consciousness, and Health.The VXM Network,, 1996.

Arnold L. The Incorruptibility of Saints - After Death. Pursuit. Summer 1977;66-70.

Benford MS, Talnagi J, Burr-Doss D, Boosey S, Arnold LE. Gamma Radiation Fluctuations During Alternative Healing Therapy. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. July 1999, Vol 5, No. 4:51-56.
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